Sunday, March 6, 2022

Data Visualization in travel industry

 What is Data Visualization?

Data visualization is a graphical representation of data and information by using visual elements such as maps, graphs, and charts. In the travel industry, data visualisation represents data related to get information about recent COVID-19 pandemic impact on the industry by identifying tourist arrivals, travel restrictions, massive loss, and so on. Travel and tourism industry has maintained big data by managing national and international business with involvement on different flights from different countries. In that case, data visualisation is needed to manage information and keep record of data to visually represents the situation for which flight can be cancelled and can be start based on recovery of pandemic COVID-19. Data visualization tools help to maintain an accessible way of understanding, seeing, and reviewing patterns, trends, and outliers in data that improve financial improvement in travel industry by reviewing number of customers’ attractions. It helps to analyse massive information and big data to make decisions by calculating those through using technologies and tools (Tableau, 2022). The main importance of data visualisation is to make it easier of identifying patterns, trends and outliers of large data sets by using human brain. The main examples of data visualisation are charts, graphs, tables, maps, dashboards, and infographics. Another data visualization process is Gantt chart, histogram, bar chart, matrix, scatter plot, network, radial tree, area chart, dot distribution map, timeline, tree-map, word cloud, text tables, streamgraph, and so on. Industrial big data has been analysed by using data visualisation to make decisions about business conditions by maintaining creative storytelling. Data visualisation helps organisations to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and information.

Figure 1: Worldwide data visualization market value in 2017 and 2023

(Source: Statista,2019)

The aforementioned figure indicates market revenue of global data visualisation in 2023 and 2017 that impacts market value. In 2017, worldwide data visualisation market value is 4.51 billion US dollars and in 2023, it can reach up to an estimated 7.76 billion US dollars with a CAGR of 9.47% over the forecast period (Statista, 2019)Travel industry has improved their business position by visualising data because it helps them to predict future performance by maintaining huge information securely. Based on that data analytics team needs to be hired for maintaining this process to visualise their statistical information. It has proved that many industries have introduced data visualization in their business to maintain financial performance evaluation by using charts, graphs, tables, and maps. For example, IBM has launched data visualisation tools to integrate cognitive computing technology by including use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), which make it an easier process to visualise real-time and trusted data (IBM, 2022). The main benefits of data visualization are related to calculating accurate big data visualisation by avoiding IT involvement and specialist visualisation. IBM has launched IBM Cognos Analytics to maintain data visualisation by using analytics software and AI-fuelled business intelligence technology to help users to search for data insights. Data visualisation also helps to attract travellers by providing them visualise data through publishing their annual report and advertisements by offering discounts and offers while visualise data represents lack of financial improvement.

Data visualisation helps to analyse data by gaining actionable insights to improve decision-making business intelligence. It has many important benefits in maintaining industrial financial data evaluation through making a record of their improvement. Visualised data or content helps to analyse data transmission by evaluating use of human brains to get a faster understanding power to make sense. This is a faster process by which people brain easily recognise business operations with neural networks to predict data through visualising information (Sales force, 2022). Human mind is not able to analyse complex statistical models to evaluate data for which data visualisation process by which hierarchy of an organisation quickly grasps the pulse of concerned organisation. Big data and data visualisation can benefit the travel industry in different ways by allowing them to enhance evidence-driven decisions. These can be improved the ability to anticipate future demand of the industry in an accurate way to improve customer experience, target marketing precisely, and optimise pricing strategies.

Data visualisation help people by giving actionable items to make an evaluation of organisational performance, and its accuracy such as high or low. Lack of economic stability of organisation has been analysed by using data visualisation that forces the organisation to enhance their economic stability by improving future performance through increasing staff engagement, technological advancement, and strategical implementations. Data visualisation helps to evaluate big data of companies by illustrating case scenarios of companies (Venkatraman and Venkatraman, 2019). Big Data journey helps an organization to enable their scalable infrastructure for achieving organisational mission by managing critical decision-making through using data visualisation. It helps to track changes in number of visitors in the travel industry by providing a breakdown of tourists as well as ranks destinations to identify nationality of foreign tourists by giving demographic profile information of domestic tourists such as gender, age, and country. Data visualisation helps to bring trust in organisations by managing real-time information based on economic performances such as revenue, growth, market share, profit, sales, production, and so on.

Actionable items have the ability to provide a result of organisations by identifying areas for improvement and success. Data visualisation also help to increase productivity and sales by evaluating results of financial performances. It has the power to influence high-resolution by evaluating data based on getting information from presentations (Semple et al. 2019). Data visualisation produces provide real results by saving time in creating up-to-date reports with greater efficiency company-wide. It also emphasises financial performance of organisations by identifying its lack of improvement that affects its employees and staff to enhance more effort to stabilise economic stability by avoiding uncertainties. Stakeholders of travel industry maintain their data visualisation to evaluate performance level and whether it can be improved or not to maintain economic growth for the industry as well as the country.

 Data visualisation is the interactive computing task that overwhelmingly performed improvement by using flat screens (Liu et al. 202). It has some challenges based on maintaining huge investments to get better results by identifying design problems to represent data. In case an organisation embraces data visualisation to see rewards, their bottom-line improvement has been identified and most of the companies are planning to invest more in data visualisation due to their leading revenue growth.

In the travel industry, data visualisation helps to evaluate environment by maintaining rapid advancements of technologies such as AR and VR in organisations to enhance their performance and improve exciting possibilities. These technologies have enhanced customer attraction by providing 360-degree video and photography of hotel or travel information. Travel industry uses data visualisation for representing their performance that depends on evaluating chart, graphs, and tables related to revenue, growth, number of customers, and others. For example, FIESTA has been designed to allow users for creating, manipulate and share data visualisation while freely moving in a co-located VR environment physically (Lee et al. 2020). Data visualisation is the intelligent analysis process that helps teachers to assist study in educational institutions by using exploratory learning to teach students in a better way by evaluating their performances. It has helped to improve using of computer-based knowledge by stimulating performances through analysing data interaction (Mavrikis et al. 2019). Data visualisation is not only helpful for industrial improvement, as well as educational institutions to analyse data and information. Thus, it can be said that travel industry has improved economic growth by using data visualisation that helps to influence organisational staff involvement for identifying financial results and lack of economic stability to enhance engagement of employees to get better improvement.

Reference List

IBM., (2022). Data Visualization Tools & Solutions _ IBM. Available at: [Accessed on: 16 February, 2022]

Lee, B., Hu, X., Cordeil, M., Prouzeau, A., Jenny, B. and Dwyer, T., (2020). Shared surfaces and spaces: Collaborative data visualisation in a co-located immersive environment. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics27(2), pp.1171-1181.

Liu, J., Prouzeau, A., Ens, B. and Dwyer, T., (2020), March. Design and evaluation of interactive small multiples data visualisation in immersive spaces. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 588-597). IEEE.

Mavrikis, M., Geraniou, E., Gutierrez Santos, S. and Poulovassilis, A., (2019). Intelligent analysis and data visualisation for teacher assistance tools: The case of exploratory learning. British Journal of Educational Technology50(6), pp.2920-2942.

Sales force., (2022). Top 5 data visualisation advantages – Salesforce. Available at: [Accessed on: 15 February, 2022]

Semple, T.L., Peakall, R. and Tatarnic, N.J., (2019). A comprehensive and user‐friendly framework for 3D‐data visualisation in invertebrates and other organisms. Journal of morphology280(2), pp.223-231.

Statista., (2019). Global data visualization market size 2017 and 2023 _ Statista. Available at: [Accessed on: 14 February, 2022]

Tableau., (2022). What Is Data Visualization_ Definition & Examples _ Tableau. Available at:,outliers%2C%20and%20patterns%20in%20data. [Accessed on: 17 February, 2022]

Venkatraman, R. and Venkatraman, S., (2019, August). Big data infrastructure, data visualisation and challenges. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (pp. 13-17).

Author: Pooja Sudhakar Sankhe

Keywords: #Travel #Data Visualization #travel industry #visualisation#Data#COVID-19


  1. Good.... 👌🏽
    This is the future of Data analysis

  2. Thank you for sharing the data visualization topic in the travel industry blog. Data visualization is an interactive computer endeavor that has benefited greatly from the use of flat displays.
    Data visualization is a form of visual art that focuses our attention on the message and keeps it there.
    We can see Data visualisation is used in the travel business to portray performance, which is based on examining charts, graphs, and tables connected to income, development, number of clients, and other factors. Companies should take this information into account.
    I believe that the future is data-driven and that this visualization will assist all organizations in making informed decisions.


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