Monday, March 28, 2022

Programmatic Digital Marketing

 Despite being one of the most crucial weapons in your company's armory, programmatic marketing is one of the least understood marketing tactics.

The technique of employing automated bidding and placement platforms to purchase and sell digital ad space in real-time is referred to as programmatic marketing.


Programmatic programs are highly targeted, resulting in more successful advertising campaigns and marketers acquiring better quality leads with their ad spend.

  • Relevant Impressions Through Optimized Targeting
To target audiences, a variety of devices, including television, cellphones, tablets, desktop computers, and displays, may be employed. assisting marketers in reaching out to more people in a variety of methods, resulting in a rise in the number of connections traveling marketers have with their target consumers.
Organizations may utilize programmatic advertising to reach and retain their audience efficiently, whether through a mobile picture ad or a desktop display ad.
  • Increased Reach to Target Audiences

  • Real-Time Optimization
  • Increased Testing With Programmatic Advertising
  • Reduced Wastage
Author: Ece Kubra Basci
Keywords: #digitalmarketing#travel#programmatic#emergingtechnology

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Volume data storage in Travel industry

What is volume data storage in travel industry?

Volume data storage is the area of storing a logical spectator that is a storage location with a single file system, which is resident on partition of hard disks in a computer and single accessible. Data storage is the way of storing statistical information by creating files and documents, storing and saving those digitally for future use (CDW, 2022). In the travel industry, volume data storage is important to get statistical information related to their revenue, growth, profit, market share, number of visitors, and others that help to improve future performance by reviewing previous years’ data. Data storage types are different to secure data such as Direct Attached of Storage and Network Attached of Storage; additionally, hybrid cloud storage as well as hybrid-flash arrays, software and appliances of backup, cloud storage, and SSD Flash Drive Arrays. The main benefits of using data storage are maintaining reliable data preservation, easier and quicker data recovery, data accessibility and continuity, flexible capacity options with price points, and effective security for protected files. These are fictive for travel industry as well to get old and new information of business by maintaining huge volume or big data storage.

Figure 1: Worldwide created, captured, consumed, and copied volume of data from 2010 to 2025

(Source: See, 2021)

The above figure identifies worldwide created, captured, consumed, and copied volume of data from 2010 to 2025. It proves that volume of data has been incredibly increased from 2010 to 2025 from 2 to 181 zettabytes, which is huge and proves higher growth of data (See, 2021). Based on that, in line with maintaining growth of data storage volume, installation with storage capacity has been forecasted for increasing and managing annual growth rate with 19.2% over upcoming period. The travel companies have maintained their annual report every year in where their volume data storage has been maintained that is useful for customers as well as their employees and managers to secure previous data to evaluate future performance. Data storage helps to maintain business intelligence by reviewing environmental and financial performance of organisations by using technological development (Llave, 2018). It helps to handle increases in data volume of any format by getting perceived benefits through reducing data storage effort to get quick access of data, better acquisition, and data preservation.

Figure 2: Importance of data analytics of customers to introduce success of worldwide travel companies

(Source: Lock, 2021)

The above-mentioned figure introduces importance of data analytics of customers to introduce success of worldwide hospitality and travel companies. Based on global travel and hospitality industry, most of employees and executives have agreed with maintaining importance of data analytics of customers by 50% to maintain business success by evaluating previous information and comparing data between old and new year's (Lock, 2021). The advantages of volume data storage such as backup data preservation, continuity, flexibility, security, accessibility, data recovery have helped travel industry to enable and move data across different sources to derive business outcomes quickly. Most of the companies have stored big data to analyse them in future days for investigating about financial performance and use of technologies by getting information about industrial sector (Raguseo, 2018). Technological advancement in storage has helped to determine risks for companies by storing data. Managers of travel industries need to recognize business risks and outcomes by analysing big data for handling huge risks such as privacy as well as security issues.

In the travel industry, volume data storage has sometimes faced a lack of data security by launching it in their websites as annual reports from which competitor companies have gotten financial information to compete with the concerned company. It has identified problems with the future performance of the concerned company by maintaining a competitive advantage by competitors through collecting its data from annual reports through using online platform or internet. Big data storage security needs to be improved by using blockchain access control that does not allow everyone to access data by providing paid versions (Uchibeke et al. 2018). Travel industries can use AI technology for becoming prevalent by maintaining a newer process of data storage to handle tasks such as setting custom recovery points and managing backup schedules for specific data sets. It helps to maintain future success in travel industry by creating future planning by evaluating recent performance.

Cloud storage process also helps to maintain volume data storage to secure information of companies by growing segment, which shows promise to become faster and efficient accessibility. In the travel industry, data storage and telecommunication are related to each other for maintaining cost of organisations based on considering a secure place to store data for safeguarding confidential information. Digital revolution has been managed in organisations by maintaining data storage to transferring data by using technological implementation (Shepherd et al. 2020). Volume data storage process needs to be secure and confidential to safeguard backup data of travel companies such as their previous income, profit, number of visitors, rate of hotels, restaurant bill, and other information by maintaining privacy, accessibility, place of store, volatility and security. It has the power to improve digital improvement of travel industry including hotels, travel agencies, tour guides, restaurants, and so on for increasing their future performance by creating targets.

Volume data storage represents a huge or big amount of data storing that helps to maintain data visualisation in near future to determine performance. In travel industries, volume data storage is important to get a better result in future by setting a target to income more money by attracting visitors and improving services. Data storage helps to use cloud for maintaining big data determination by using IoT devices to manage radio-frequency and sensor identification of readers (Cheng et al. 2018). More than millions of data is under volume data that needs to be stored to handle them in an effective manner without creating any vulnerability. Volume data storage is effective for travel industry; however, it is more frequent and essential for banks or service industry to secure their huge amount of data by maintaining cloud-based technology. Data needs to be transferred in organisations based on maintaining evaluation to introduce accuracy (Geyer-Klingeberg et al. 2018). Thus, it can be said that travel industry needs to work on volume data storage by using cloud-based technology to secure their confidential information from competitors to increased future performance.

Keywords:  #travel#data#privacy#performance#volume


CDW., (2022). What is Data Storage_ - Data Storage Types & Methods _ CDW. Available at: [Accessed on: 17 February, 2022]

Cheng, B., Zhang, J., Hancke, G.P., Karnouskos, S. and Colombo, A.W., (2018). Industrial cyberphysical systems: Realizing cloud-based big data infrastructures. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 12(1), pp.25-35.

Geyer-Klingeberg, J., Nakladal, J., Baldauf, F. and Veit, F., (2018, July). Process Mining and Robotic Process Automation: A Perfect Match. In BPM (Dissertation/Demos/Industry) (pp. 124-131).

Llave, M.R., (2018). Data lakes in business intelligence: reporting from the trenches. Procedia computer science, 138, pp.516-524.

Lock, S., (2021). Importance of data analytics to travel companies worldwide 2020 _ Statista. Available at: [Accessed on: 18 February, 2022]

Raguseo, E., (2018). Big data technologies: An empirical investigation on their adoption, benefits and risks for companies. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), pp.187-195.

See, A., V., (2021). Total data volume worldwide 2010-2025 _ Statista. Available at: [Accessed on: 18 February, 2022]

Shepherd, M., Turner, J.A., Small, B. and Wheeler, D., (2020). Priorities for science to overcome hurdles thwarting the full promise of the ‘digital agriculture’revolution. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(14), pp.5083-5092.

Uchibeke, U.U., Schneider, K.A., Kassani, S.H. and Deters, R., (2018, July). Blockchain access control Ecosystem for Big Data security. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) (pp. 1373-1378). IEEE.

Author: Pooja Sankhe.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Veracity-Cleansing and Transformation in Travel Industry


                                                        VERACİTY- CLEANSİG AND TRANSFORMATİON

Difference Between Data Cleansing and Data Transformation

The main difference between data cleansing and data transformation is that the data cleansing is the process of removing the unwanted data from a dataset or database while the data transformation is the process of converting data from one format to another format.

A business organization stores data in different data sources. It is important to make decisions by analyzing the data. Analyzing data from multiple data sources is difficult. Therefore, business organizations use data warehouses. It is a central location that stores consolidated data from multiple databases. Data warehouses help to create reports, analyze data, visualize data and make valuable business decisions. In other words, data warehousing supports the overall business intelligence process. Data cleansing and data transformation are two techniques that are used in data warehousing. Data cleansing refers to eliminating meaningless data from the data set to improve data consistency while data transformation refers to converting data from one structure to another structure to make them easier for processing.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Data Cleansing

     – Definition, Functionality

2. What is Data Transformation

     – Definition, Functionality

3. What is the Difference Between Data Cleansing and Data Transformation

     – Comparison of Key Differences


What is Data Cleansing

A business organization uses various sources to store data. They can have different databases such as Oracle, MySQL, etc. It is difficult to analyze data in different data sources. Data warehousing provides a solution to this issue. It helps to collect, store and manage data from a variety of data sources into a central location called a data warehouse. The data warehouse gets data from transactional systems and various relational databases. Finally, this data is processed and analyzed to get meaningful business insights.

The data should be cleaned and transformed before loading into the warehouse. The extracted data from multiple sources can consist of meaningless data. Dummy values, contradictory data, absence of data are considered as meaningless data. These unnecessary data must be removed from the dataset. Overall, data cleaning will not just provide a clean dataset. It also brings data consistency to different sets of data that have merged from various data sources.



What is Data Transformation

After cleansing, the data is transformed into a suitable format. Data transformation helps to process the data easily. Data transforming can be simple or complex depending on the required changes on the data. Standardizing data, character set conversion, encoding handling, splitting or merging fields, conversion units of measurements into a standard format, aggregation, consolidation, delete duplicate data are some of the tasks involved in data transformation.

After completing the data transformation, the data is loaded into the data warehouse for processing. Finally, the senior management and data analysts can take decisions based on the processed data. Apart from data warehousing, data cleansing and data transforming are also used for statistical and mathematical operations.

Difference Between Data Cleansing and Data Transformation


Data cleansing is the process of detecting and removing corrupted or inaccurate records from a record set, table or database while the data transformation is the process of converting data from one format or structure into another format or structure.


Furthermore, data cleansing helps to clean the dataset and improve the data consistency while data transformation helps to make data processing easier.


Data cleansing and data transformation are two techniques used in data warehousing. The difference between data cleansing and data transformation is that the data cleansing is the process of removing unwanted data from a dataset or database while the data transformation is the process of converting data from one format to another format.

Top 6 Digital Transformation Trends in Hospitality and Tourism

In the past few months, we’ve been looking at digital transformation trends in different industries like healthcare, retail, finance, and media and entertainment. Today, we look at an industry that’s been completely turned on its head in recent years, due to extreme digital transformation: tourism and hospitality.

It used to be that we’d visit a brick-and-mortar travel agent every time we needed to plan a family vacation or work trip. (Granted, some of you may not remember that.) But today, thanks to mobility, travelers are playing a much larger role in the experience. They want to find a hotel that matches their style—on their terms—the very moment they need it. And thanks to players like AirBnB, which set the stage for a completely new era of travel, they can. Indeed, when it comes to the hospitality business, digital transformation is a mix of greater customer demands—and the technology that can help meet them. Let’s take a look at the top trends impacting the hospitality and tourism industry.


Mobile Integration

The digital transformation is a dream come true for introverts who like to travel. With mobile-first and mobile-only brands continuing to grow, customers can do practically anything on their phone, from checking in—to ordering room service—to unlocking the room door itself. In fact, one can plan an entire trip—from booking to bedtime and home again—without ever talking to a live human.

AI and Chatbots

Remember when all hotels used to have clunky welcome binders on the desks, outlining where to eat, what to see, and what to do in the area—everything you needed to know? Today, hotels can provide all that information—and more—via AI-powered apps and technology. Guests can access the information at any time they need, right from their phones in the form of an e-concierge. They can even access voice-activated chat bots to open the curtains, set the alarm, or order breakfast, without ever talking to a human being. At the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas, you can even text a robot named Rose at any time, 24/7, and she’ll find a way to fill your request, fast. Meanwhile, Marriott has been using AI-powered chat bots at nearly 5,000 hotels to do things like make reservation changes, and check on account balances or redemption vouchers.

Integration of the IoT

As more and more devices get connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), it makes sense that the tourism and hospitality industry would begin to harness that data to improve the customer experience. After all, the more they know about their guests, the better they can please them. If the IoT data tells them the customer has visited their resort every year for the last three years, it can automatically send a message proactively asking the guest if they’d like to make another booking this year. You just saved your customer a step—and guaranteed a booked room—without ever lifting a finger. The same could be said by harnessing information about food selection, excursions, and in-room amenities. The opportunities for up-sells and better CX are endless.

Focus on Data

As noted above, data is going to play a huge part in the new era of hospitality and tourism. In the case of AirBnB, they were able to use customer data to determine that guests who chose not to book were doing so because they were discouraged by hosts who failed to respond to their inquiries. (I’ve been there—it’s annoying.) By offering instant booking feature to guarantee their reservation, they helped alleviate many of the customers’ concerns and helped automate what had previously been an incredibly arduous part of their business model. Data didn’t just improve CX. It improves the bottom line, as well.


The fact that guests can book instantly also means they can share their opinions instantly via Facebook, Yelp, TripAdvisor and other travel review websites. That’s why technology has pushed hotels and restaurants to focus even more on providing quality customer service. Yes, there are outliers. I’ve experienced them myself. But there is no doubt the trend is toward better service for guests—not just a better return for operators.

Virtual Reality

Whether it’s a hotel property, museum, or a tourist destination, guests can take a look without even leaving their living room via virtual reality. The goal is either to offer a preview of what guests will experience—or offer the next-best-thing to visiting at all. (For instance, would you rather pay $4,000 to visit Paris in real life, or $200 to take the same trip in a virtual world?) This isn’t being done on a widespread scale yet, but some major operators are offering guests the chance to experience at least a snippet of their travel experience—offering greater piece of mind especially to those planning a visit to a faraway destination. Others destinations, like the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MOMA) are already offering VR installations as part of  their exhibits.

The travel and tourism business is a $1.2 trillion industry. Clearly, there is incentive to invest to grow it even more. Whether the IoT is improving the accuracy of flight schedules, or the lure o f VR is convincing someone to take their first overseas trip, there is truly no end to the value tech can add to travel. They just need to be careful it doesn’t become so good that guests prefer the tech over the real thing.


1)Lithmee(2018)’Difference Between Data Cleansing and Data Transformation’.Avaliable at:

(Accessed:25 March 2022)

2)Newman,D.’ Top 6 Digital Transformation Trends in Hospitality and Tourism’.Avaliable at:

(Accessed:25 March 2022)



Value-Knowledge Management in Travel Industry


                                                        VALUE- KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT

Knowledge Management

Develop an understanding of knowledge management, which is the process of creating, storing, utilizing, and sharing knowledge within an organization.

How is knowledge management defined?

The process of identifying, organizing, storing, and disseminating knowledge within an organization is referred to as knowledge management (KM). When knowledge is not readily available within an organization, it can be extremely costly to the business, as valuable time is spent seeking out pertinent information rather than completing task-oriented tasks.

A knowledge management system (KMS) collects and organizes an organization's collective knowledge, resulting in increased operational efficiency. These systems are backed up by a knowledge base. They are typically critical to successful knowledge management because they provide a centralized location for storing and easily accessing information.

Businesses that implement a knowledge management strategy achieve better business outcomes faster, as increased organizational learning and collaboration among team members enables faster decision-making across the organization. Additionally, it streamlines more organizational processes, such as training and onboarding, resulting in increased employee satisfaction and retention, according to reports.

Different types of knowledge

Additionally, the definition of knowledge management encompasses three distinct types of knowledge: tacit, implicit, and explicit. These two types of knowledge are largely distinguished by the degree to which the information has been codified.

• Tacit knowledge: Typically acquired through experience, this type of knowledge is intuitively understood. As a result, the information is difficult to articulate and codify, making it difficult to transfer to other individuals. Language, facial recognition, and leadership abilities are all examples of tacit knowledge.

• Implicit knowledge: While some academics conflate implicit and tacit knowledge, others distinguish the two, stating that the definition of tacit knowledge is more nuanced. While tacit knowledge is notoriously difficult to codify, implicit knowledge is not always so. Rather than that, implicit information has not been documented. It is frequently associated with processes and is sometimes referred to as "know-how" knowledge.

• Explicit knowledge: Explicit knowledge is contained in a variety of document types, including manuals, reports, and guides, and enables organizations to easily share knowledge across teams. This is perhaps the most well-known type of knowledge, and examples include databases, white papers, and case studies. This type of knowledge is critical for an organization's intellectual capital retention and for facilitating successful knowledge transfer to new employees.



Process of knowledge management

While some academics (PDF, 156 KB) (link is external to IBM) define knowledge management as the process of acquiring, creating, refining, storing, transferring, sharing, and utilizing knowledge. This process can be further synthesized. Typically, an effective knowledge management system consists of three major steps:

1. Knowledge Creation: Organizations use this step to identify and document any existing or new knowledge they wish to share across the organization.

2. Knowledge Storage: Typically, an information technology system is used to store and distribute organizational knowledge during this stage. The information may need to be formatted in a specific way to comply with the repository's requirements.

3. Knowledge Sharing: In this final stage, knowledge sharing processes are widely communicated throughout the organization. The rate of information dissemination varies according to organizational culture. Businesses that promote and reward this behavior will undoubtedly have a competitive edge over their competitors in their industry.

Instruments for knowledge management

Organizations utilize a variety of tools to reap the benefits of knowledge management. Several examples of knowledge management systems include the following:

• Document management systems serve as a repository for digital documents such as PDFs, images, and word processing files. These systems help employees work more efficiently by facilitating the retrieval of documents such as lessons learned.

• Content management systems (CMS) are web-based applications that enable end users to edit and publish web content. While these are frequently confused with document management systems, CMSs support additional media types such as audio and video.

• Intranets are private networks that exist solely within an organization and enable internal stakeholders to share enablement, tools, and processes. While they require time and money to maintain, they provide a variety of groupware services, such as internal directories and search, that facilitate collaboration.

• Due to their ease of use, wikis can be a popular knowledge management tool. They make it simple to upload and edit data, but this convenience may raise concerns about misinformation, as workers may update them with incorrect or outdated data.

• Data warehouses consolidate data from multiple sources into a centralized, consistent data store that enables data analysis, data mining, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. Companies extract data from these repositories in order to gain insights and empower employees to make data-driven decisions.



Accelerating knowledge management strategie

While knowledge management solutions can aid in the transfer of knowledge between teams and individuals, they also rely on user adoption to be effective. As a result, organizations should not undervalue the human factors that contribute to knowledge management success.

• Organizational Culture: The management practices of executives will influence the type of organization they lead. Managers can foster learning organizations by rewarding and encouraging their teams' knowledge sharing behaviors. This style of leadership lays the groundwork for teams to develop mutual trust and communicate more openly in order to accomplish business objectives.

• Communities of practice: Centers of excellence in particular fields provide a forum for employees to ask questions, thereby facilitating learning and knowledge transfer. By increasing the number of subject matter experts in a given area of the business, organizations can reduce their reliance on specific individuals to perform certain tasks.

Case studies in knowledge management

When combined with the appropriate tools and strategies, knowledge management practices have demonstrated success in a variety of applications, including the following:

• Employee onboarding: Knowledge management systems assist in addressing the enormous learning curve associated with new hires. Rather than overwhelming new hires with a 'data dump' during their first weeks, provide them with continuous support in the form of knowledge tools that provide useful information at any time.

• Day-to-day employee tasks: Provide accurate answers and critical information to every employee. Access to highly relevant responses at the appropriate time and for the appropriate person enables workforces to spend less time searching for information and more time on business-critical activities.

• Self-serve customer service: Customers repeatedly express a preference for self-service rather than picking up the phone and contacting support. When implemented properly, a knowledge management system can assist businesses in lowering support costs and increasing customer satisfaction.

Several advantages of knowledge management

When businesses adopt knowledge management strategies, they reap a slew of benefits. Several significant advantages include the following:

• Identifying skill gaps: When teams document implicit or tacit knowledge or consolidate explicit knowledge, they can identify gaps in core competencies across teams. This information is invaluable to management in terms of forming new organizational structures or hiring additional resources.

• Make more informed decisions: Knowledge management systems provide knowledge to individuals and departments. By increasing team members' access to current and historical enterprise knowledge, you can help them improve their skills and make more data-driven decisions that support business goals.

• Preserves enterprise knowledge: What would your business do if your most knowledgeable employees left tomorrow? Internal knowledge management enables businesses to establish a collective memory. Make knowledge held by long-term employees and other experts accessible to the rest of your team.

• Increased operational efficiency: Knowledge management systems establish a central repository for relevant information, enabling knowledge workers to locate it more quickly. This results in decreased time spent on research, which results in faster decision-making and cost savings through operational efficiencies. Increased productivity saves not only time, but also money.

• Improved collaboration and communication: Knowledge management systems and organizational cultures work in tandem to foster teamwork and trust. These information systems increase worker transparency, fostering greater understanding and cooperation around common goals. Engaged leadership and open communication foster an environment conducive to innovation and feedback among teams.

• Data Security: Knowledge management systems enable organizations to tailor permission controls, viewership controls, and the level of document security to ensure that information is shared only through the appropriate channels or with authorized individuals. Give your employees the freedom to access knowledge in a secure and confident manner.

Why Information Management Is Critical in the Travel Industry

Customer experience is the bedrock of the multibillion-dollar hospitality industry, which encompasses hotels, resorts, travel, tourism, food and beverage, and attractions, among others. When guests have a positive experience, they are more likely to return. Which typically means they'll spend more money at your establishment, purchase your more expensive products, and recommend you to their friends and family. To create that level of experience, each member of your team must provide superior, knowledgeable, and personalized service to each guest.

Effective knowledge management in the hospitality industry enables employees to go above and beyond for guests, providing the service and experience they expect—and providing your establishment with a competitive edge.

Discover the various types and benefits of knowledge management in the hospitality industry in the sections below.

What Is Knowledge Management and How Is It Important?

A knowledge management solution is a software application that enables your organization to store and organize its employees' collective knowledge. This enables you to retain employees' knowledge even if they leave the company. Additionally, it establishes a centralized repository of knowledge from which employees can obtain information about company policies, procedures, best practices, and other job-related topics.



In the service industry (which includes hospitality), knowledge management's role is to ensure that employees have easy access to up-to-date, specialized knowledge. This is especially critical in the hospitality industry, as the success of an establishment is contingent upon providing an exceptional guest experience. If employees are slow to provide accurate information or solutions, the customer may be less likely to return—and may even express their dissatisfaction online.

With a strong knowledge management framework in place, you can empower your staff to provide prompt, accurate responses to guests' questions and concerns. Additionally, you can gain insight into customer data and trends in order to make data-driven organizational decisions that will give your establishment a competitive edge in a highly competitive environment.

Travel Industry Knowledge Categories

Understanding the various types of knowledge available can assist you in determining the most effective knowledge management strategy for your organization. Generally, hospitality industry knowledge is divided into the following categories:

Task-specific knowledge: This category includes all knowledge necessary to complete a specific task, such as specific procedures, actions, or strategies. For instance, a staff member applies task-specific knowledge when performing the steps necessary to check a guest in, make a reservation, or answer the phone with a standardized greeting. This information is typically included in training materials such as videos or handbooks.

Tacit knowledge is less regimented. Rather than that, it is acquired knowledge through personal experience and is frequently difficult to articulate. This could include knowing the appropriate phrases and demeanors to use when de-escalating a frustrated guest. While you may have a documented protocol for dealing with this type of situation, it is typically only through experience that staff members are able to expertly navigate these difficult interactions.

Customer knowledge: Thanks to advances in technology, hotels and other hospitality-related businesses now have unprecedented access to customer data. Customer-related data may include historical data (such as frequency and duration of stays), demographic data (such as socioeconomic status, age, occupation, and so on), and even preferences and behaviors.

Along with customer data, your business can amass knowledge about others in your network, such as competitors, vendors, and partners.

Market-related knowledge is a subset of network-related knowledge. Armed with market knowledge, organizations can gain a better understanding of the market in which they operate—including its size, population, culture, and habits. This information can be used to guide decisions about the products, services, and experiences to offer.

The Travel Industry's Benefits of Knowledge Management

Each type of knowledge in the hospitality industry has the potential to benefit both the business and its customers. To reap the full benefits of that knowledge, organizations must have a system in place that enables employees to access, document, share, and leverage it effectively. Your organization can realize the following benefits through effective knowledge management in the hospitality industry:

Outstanding customer service

Staff members and customer service representatives must be able to quickly access guest information, policies, procedures, and best practices in order to provide superior service to guests. A knowledge management platform enables all staff to locate the information they require to assist guests quickly. The most efficient knowledge sharing solutions incorporate advanced search capabilities, making it even easier to locate the appropriate information at the appropriate time.

Knowledge that is consistent, up-to-date, and accessible across the organizationWithout a knowledge management system, employees may seek information via the company intranet, email archives, or simply word of mouth. Frequently, they end up using out-of-date information to address guests' questions or concerns, resulting in customer frustration or dissatisfaction. With a modern knowledge management system, your employees will always know where to find information—and will have the confidence that the information they find is accurate and current.

Organizational decisions that are more informed

Organizational leaders gain access to a centralized repository of customer insights through knowledge management systems. They can then make more informed decisions about how to enhance the customer experience. For instance, you may determine that your customer base values certain amenities, and in order to remain competitive, you may decide to increase your availability of those services.

New perspectives on existing opportunities

With a centralized source of market research, organizational leaders can quickly identify new challenges and opportunities in the broader market, enabling them to be more innovative in their future plans. These insights may reveal opportunities for expansion into new locations or collaboration with other local organizations, for example. With this knowledge, you can strengthen your business and fuel future growth.

To succeed in the competitive hospitality industry, you must arm your staff and leadership with accurate, up-to-date company information and market insights. By implementing a knowledge management platform, you can provide a centralized source of reliable information and empower your employees to deliver an exceptional customer experience.



1)IBM Cloud Education(2020)’Knowledge Management’.Avaliable at: (Accessed:23 March 2022)

2)Fiorini,V.(2022)’ Why Knowledge Management Matters in the Hospitality Industry’.Avaliable at:

 (Accessed:22 March 2022)      



Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Big Data in Travel Industry




The rapid development of technology resulted in the emergence of the technology bundle, Industry 4.0. This technology bundle tends to result in a strong influence on varieties of industrial sectors including Travel & Tourism. Amongst the multiple technologies clustered under Industry 4.0, the application of Big Data is increasingly gaining acceptance within the Travel & Tourism industry. The Travel & Tourism industry is further benefitted by this Big Data Analysis in terms of the associated industries such as the Hospitality Sector using this technique for their respective business growth.    

Collection of Big Data

The application of Big Data in the tourism industry relates to systemically Extracting, Processing and Visualizing relevant data sets for the organized business management of the industry (Centobelli and Ndou, 2019).     

Big Data in Travel & Tourism

The range of data collected from the industry for its efficient processing includes Destination Information, Travel & Hospitality News, Hotel & Restaurant Details, Social Data, Transportation Data, Event Details, Tourist Data and Government Schemes.

Destination Information:     Place of Visit, Rules & Regulation

Travel & Hospitality News: Latest developments of the industry, Major investments for development, start of new tourist spots.

Hotels & Restaurant Details:  Pricing,  Room Tariffs, Customer Reviews & Ratings, Service Details.

Social Data:    Social media Posts, Geo tags, Brand Tags, travel-oriented Hashtags.

Transportation Data:  Air Tickets, Train Tickets, Bus Tickets,  Route Maps, Traffic Data.

Event Details:  Local Festivals,  Global Events, Sports Events Summits.

Tourist Data:  Tourist Inflow Details, Tourist Outflow Details,  Place of Origin, Local Language.

Government Schemes:  Tourist-friendly packages, designed by local Government.

The usual size of Big Data is several Terabytes and Petabytes depending on the range of data collected. Considering the size of the data, the collection of Big Data from the tourism industry poses to be a challenge for Data Scientists. In this regard, extracting data can be progressed using techniques such as Web Scraping and Internal & External Resources (Mazanec, 2020). The concept of Web Scraping relates to the efficient formulation of a script for the extraction of data from travel & tourism focussed websites. On the other side, the aspect of internal research relates to an in-house collection of data from reservation management software and accounts & services book. Furthermore, the external research for data collection includes seeking the contribution of tourism boards and third-party data providers.                   

Implication of Big Data Analysis

The foremost application of results generated by the analysis of Big Data from the Travel & Tourism industry relates to concerning market research. The aspect of market research plays a vital role in the growth and development of the industry. In this regard, the prolonged analysis of Big Data, collected from reliable sources results in the identification of potential areas, requiring the attention of industry leaders for development (Li et al. 2020). As for an instance, the analysis of customer-oriented data reveals the dynamic purchasing behaviour of the customers in the Travel & Tourism Industry. Contextually, the potential market leaders can improve their customer attention attraction strategies by adding Lucrative Discounts, Surprise Gifts and Combo Offers. Furthermore, the range of information, revealed by the Big Data Analysis can fuel the uninterrupted progress of the tourism research for a prolonged duration.

Big Data in Tourism Research  (Source: Li et al. 2018)

The dedicated contribution of the hospitality sector plays a vital role in the growth and development benefit of this Travel & Tourism industry. In this regard, the concerned market leaders can deploy suitable techniques for the analysis of the collected data to reveal extensive customer-oriented information (Ardito et al. 2019). Such information aids the reputed hospitality organizations to improve their overall service by availing suitable amenities to the visitors and tourists, during their stay.

The application of Big Data in the Travel & Tourism Industry results in the overall improvement of the industry. This is evident as the travel, as well as transportation companies across the world, tend to utilize the relevant Data Analytics method for analysing purchasing behaviour of the travel enthusiast as well as the explorers (Xia et al. 2021). Furthermore, the detailed analysis of such data can reveal the overall travel behaviour of specific demographics. The effective utilization of these findings can encourage the concerned companies to introduce lucrative offers for the benefit of the target demographics. This is mutually beneficial for travel enthusiasts as well as the concerned market leaders of the travel & tourism industry.

The rapid development of technology resulted in the emergence of an innovative trend. This trend relates to electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWoM), which catalyses the consistent growth and development of the travel & tourism sector (Ahmad et al. 2019). This growth and development are further supported by the aspect of Big Data Analysis. This is because, Big Data Analysis tends to encourage market leaders of the Travel & Tourism industry to analyse eWoM related to various products and services, offered by the Travel & Tourism Industry to its customers. This process of Big Data Analysis is      progressed by Web Scraping and social media listening (Welch and Widita, 2019). The wide acceptance of Big Data Analysis within the Travel & Tourism industry is enhanced by the dedicated contribution of reputed firms such as Datahut. The sole objective of such companies relates to the presentation of scraped information from multiple platforms in the form of a structured dataset for the growth benefit of enterprise-grade data extraction platforms. 


The deployment of Big Data Analysis in the Travel & Tourism Industry is a cost-effective procedure in terms of applying suitable strategies and human intellect to the possible extent. The outcome generated from such procedures can result in market benefit for reputed companies of the industry. The engagement of the suitable tactics for supporting Big Data Analysis in the Travel & Tourism industry results in uninterrupted growth and development of the industry for a prolonged duration. The leading companies of the Travel & Tourism industry manage to collaborate with reputed companies, offering the service of Big Data Analysis and thereby improving their position in the market for a prolonged duration.         



Ahmad, H., Hamad, A.G., Raed, H. and Maram, A.H., 2019. The impact of electronic word of mouth on intention to travel. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research8(12), pp.1356-1362.

Ardito, L., Cerchione, R., Del Vecchio, P. and Raguseo, E., 2019. Big data in smart tourism: challenges, issues and opportunities. Current Issues in Tourism22(15), pp.1805-1809.

Centobelli, P. and Ndou, V., 2019. Managing customer knowledge through the use of big data analytics in tourism research. Current Issues in Tourism22(15), pp.1862-1882.

Li, H., Hu, M. and Li, G., 2020. Forecasting tourism demand with multisource big data. Annals of Tourism Research83, p.102912.

Li, J., Xu, L., Tang, L., Wang, S. and Li, L., 2018. Big data in tourism research: A literature review. Tourism Management68, pp.301-323.

Mazanec, J.A., 2020. Hidden theorizing in big data analytics: With a reference to tourism design research. Annals of Tourism Research83, p.102931.

Welch, T.F. and Widita, A., 2019. Big data in public transportation: a review of sources and methods. Transport reviews39(6), pp.795-818.

Xia, D., Jiang, S., Yang, N., Hu, Y., Li, Y., Li, H. and Wang, L., 2021. Discovering spatiotemporal characteristics of passenger travel with mobile trajectory big data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications578, p.126056.  

Author: Komal

Keywords:  # Big data#Travel#tour/#

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Data Processing in Travel Industry


What is the data processing?

Data processing begins with statistics in its raw shape and converts it right into a extra readable format (graphs, documents, etc.), giving it the shape and context vital to be interpreted with the aid of using computer systems and used by personnel at some stage in an organization.

                                                               (data processing concept)

Importance of Data process in travel industry

The modern tour and travel industry has been developing by each passing days. Present travel companies are specialists in applying bookings information to generate products, competitive tools along with targeted raises. That requires the data process in a massive way. The huge amount of data gathered while the bookings procedure allows the industries to generate ultra-personalised emails for the clients. Big data is also used in this section as it helps to produces more evidence-driven choices for the customers along with the clients. Data processing helps to developed approvals on travel services as well as the purchase of an select package by helping to understand the client's behaviour for the brand. To succeed as an investor or business owner, you need to understand how data processing is a great help to the tour and travel industry. The data processing also applied to gain a large number of revenue management approaches. It certificates employees to anticipate levels of demand for lodgings. It also applied forecast demand along with upcoming trends, that are vital for performing revenue running strategies positively (Korže, 2019).

Key data uses in travel industry

There are several kinds of information that requires to be collected to provide an effective travel service.

Buying habits: It is essential to identify the major factors that the travellers purchase. It is equally important to provide information on every online and offline travel deal that conducted.

Itineraries: Travellers always have a list of their favourite places that they love to visit. That requires to includes as the data.

Customer response and submission: It is one of the most effective information that needs to be gather. This information is gathered by asking the client for their feedback. That will help to gather experience on the services, and knowledges about the places they go to.

Customer budget: It is very significant to know the usual expenditure budget of the client to adjust the cost positively to suit the budget by providing them the finest experience.

These are some of the key data that applies to improve the business experience of travel industry.

Major risks of acquiring information

Incomplete along with fragmented information: It is one of the most effective issues that faced by the modern travel industry. The tour and travel industry function self-sufficiently that includes a large number of causes information in each subdivision to be unfinished and data for the entire business to be extremely fragmented. That puts a complete negative and bad impact on the travel industry.

The right team: Providing the efficient and accurate team is the most important blockade in gaining information. Putting composed the right team along with the team acknowledging that information to gather from travellers. As per The State of Data in Travel Survey that occurred 2017, 29.7% of the recognized issue is discovery that lack of skilled persons is a biggest challenge for the travelling industry.

Inaccurate Data: According to The State of Data in Travel Survey that occurred 2017, data quality along with cleanliness reported for 45.7% of issues recognized in obtaining information. It is significant to know that individuals sometimes do not generate decisions rationally.

Methods to collect information

There are several methods that helps to collect data.

Surveys: The travel industry can arrange surveys through online, via email, over the phone, or by the filling of questionnaires to gather relevant information.

Collecting email: The data of email is overwhelming. Over 74 trillion emails are directed every year. 2017 presented 1.8 million more emails sent associated to 2016. It is valued that the number of lively emails internationally is 5.59bllion.

Engaging on social media: social media provide of millions of applicants every day and this platform can’t be denied. Facebook have 2.19 billion users and Instagram 800 million users. That helps to gather the essential information for tours and travel choices of the customers.

Phone number: This can be smoothly labelled as the informal to get from the client. The travel companies get this data by asking the potential customer. Individuals give their phone numbers more easily. That helps to gather all of the potential information that the companies needed (Maemunah, 2020).

Data Insights that benefit the Travel Industry

Travelling has been an everyday action for modern people, as the travelling has become very, it is quite obvious that the travel industry grows equally. Data insight puts a direct impact on the entire business process by enhancing travel process. The modern Travel companies can identify propensities in the personal favorites of the customers, that focused upon valuable data insights. The companies gain the business chance to modify their services to the personalized requirements and wishes of the travellers. Furthermore, the services can be modified as per the precise phase in the client journey, that has the possibility to change the customers into loyal clients and retain the gratification (Bulgakov, 2018).


Bulgakov, A.L., 2018, June. Big data and travel industry. In Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry (pp. 265-270). CRC Press.

Korže, S.Z., 2019. From Industry 4.0 to Tourism 4.0. Innovative issues and approaches in social sciences12(3), pp.29-52.

Maemunah, S., 2020. Create a Customer Loyalty in The Travel Sector. Business and Entrepreneurial Review20(2), pp.141-152.

 Author: Komal

Key words

#Data insight#travelling#Customers#Travel Industry#Data#Information#Social media#Big data# Travel#change#Places#

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